Saturday, September 24, 2011

Still not sure what to post about, just wanna say I'm sick of the BULLSHIT. That is all.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

So Confused. . .

So I create an account, and am completely confused what to do and have no idea where to even begin.

But then I find out you can't search up tags nor search for people?!

OMG, what is the point of this site? Tumblr flows so easily, but this.

New Blog. First Post.

I'm not sure what to do here. I use my Facebook for whatever I am doing and keeping in touch. I use my Tumblr for depressing posts and for expressing myself. I use Twitter for quotes. What shall I use Blogger for I wonder. . .

Lemme explore the site some more, see what's around. Then I'll decide.